Friday, 6 December 2013

Still Doing Nothing

Nothing to see here.

I have various projects planned that I am currently shy about committing to (virtual) paper, so here is another deadly dull blog entry. 

 I did a little geo-caching and was quite enthusiastic, but was then struck by a prudent thought. It is all very good fun walking/cycling around my local area looking for secrets, but then what? If I am visiting a new place I will be investigating the art, architecture, geology, heritage, wildlife or whatever. I am not going to go, for instance, to the Peak District and start grubbing around behind lamp-posts and in ditches. 
I do not need a reason to visit interesting or exciting places as travel and exploration is my passion anyway.
Therefore geo-caching is currently on the back-burner.

Geo-caking and Trig and Sustrans milepost spotting will still go ahead. 

I am planning to work some extra hours over xmas, but only on days I am already rostered to work. I will still have my days off and intend to use them wisely. I must put in the miles (kilometres actually) now, even if I have nowhere interesting to go, otherwise I will seize up and lose the ability to cycle further afield when I do have the opportunity.

Today, after work, | rode to Aldi. I managed to fit £36.00 worth of groceries in my four panniers and strapped to my front pannier. 
I have only ridden 49km so far this month; only half of what I need to have done by this day in order to reach my monthly target.

Next year is going to be SO different!

Just to brighten up this entry, here are a few photographs I took while walking in Fowlmere and Shepreth last month.