It's my day off.
I'm having a bit of a tidy up. Mrs HB is out for most of the day.
First I am re-arranging kitchen cupboards to try to fit in all the jam and pickle we have made recently.
I have thrown away some old food (I really hate doing that, I detest waste) including a packet of poppadoms we should have used over six years ago. How does this happen? The cupboard itself is only four years old!
Cleaned out shed.
Cleaned out rabbits.
Fettled bicycle.
And time for tea. Soya milk as a protest against the culling of badgers.
I am not sure that boycotting british (deliberate small 'b') dairy farmers is really targetting the true offenders. I believe the cull is more about promoting the interests of shooters and the semi-domesticated Indian chickens they like to blast away at.
Wow, done all that stuff and its not even lunchtime!